Ever wonder how you are going to be able to afford a place of your own? You’re not alone.
House prices and rent have ballooned over the last fifty years, whilst wages have stagnated, leaving the younger generations worse off than ever before. Could one answer be to dramatically downsize? Some people think so.
OpHouse (@ophouse_york) is a company based in York. We are working to get the cities first-ever tiny house development built by September 2021.
You may recognise tiny houses from cute insta feeds and Pinterest boards, but what actually are they?
Tiny houses are homes usually forty square meters or less. A popular construction style is to build them on a trailer base because this allows them to be classified as road-towable vehicles and avoids many of the complications of building a permanent home with foundations. Others are log-cabin-style or shed homes, and some are even built underground.
Tiny houses can be built cheaply because of their small size and are also more economical to run due to the reduced demand on energy to heat and cool a small space. Often featuring renewable energy sources, many builders also prioritise using local and recycled materials to bolster their sustainability and reduced carbon footprint.
Why tiny houses are the future
Small space = small bills
Small bills = financial freedom
Towable Tiny houses = go where you want, when you want
Tiny home = tiny carbon footprint
Design and build your own home!
It’s not all roses
How do people without savings build one?
What if you can’t get a loan?
Is this just glamourising poverty?
Is this cultural appropriation? Tiny homes on wheels are part of Romany and Irish travelling communities.
How to know if a tiny house is right for you?
Could you live in a house the size of an average living room? Make no mistake, tiny houses are tiny. Can you deal with making sure everything is tidied away into its designated space? A small space quickly looks cluttered and can feel stressful to be in if it is not tidy. Would you be alright with doing your daily bodily business into a composting toilet or a portable septic tank? These things can be super environmentally friendly and massively reduce your water usage, but you do have to get your (gloved) hands dirty and empty them every few months.
Do you want to prioritise financial freedom by radically cutting your cost of living? For people looking to pursue fulfilling but poorly paid jobs, this can be a lifeline. Or if you want the flexibility to work for six months of the year and travel for the other six - your reduced outgoings could allow you to save up whilst you are working to make sure you never have to see a British winter again...
Should you live in a Tiny house quiz?
Tiny houses are not for the faint of heart, but they can open up a whole new world of freedom and adventure.
Follow @tiny_house_research_uk and @ophouse_york to keep up with what’s current and what’s possible with tiny homes in the UK.